The Hands On Children's Museum is sponsering an event by NASA this week. You can walk through their trailer and build a video space station and take a "trip to the moon" via video. You even get to touch a real moon rock!!

Here is the trailer with all the neat stuff inside. They only allow about 12 people in at time so everyone has a chance to participate. Thank heaven for a beautiful day!!

While we were standing in line, we saw my friend Kim and her three boys a few places ahead of us. We cut in line so we could all go together :)
When you are finished with the neat stuff in the trailer, you get to have your picture taken as an astronaut! They also had demonstrations of cool Lego robots that are models of the ones they use in space. Of course, my batteries in my camera died, so I don't have any pictures of those. Sorry!
The cuteset astronaut in the solar system!
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As we left, they gave us this cool NASA pen that has a maze inside and a space capsule stress toy! What a fun time!!