Cayden and I built a snowman yesterday afternoon. We had enough snow this year to make him a decent height - in years past, they would only be 2 feet high!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Posted by bgygi at 9:32 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
How Do YOU spell "Hot Dog"?
Now, for some wienermobile "Fun Facts"
* The first wienermobile was introduced in 1936.
* There are 7 wienermobiles in existence today.
* The hotdogger position of driving the wienermobile is an open position to U.S. citzens and the duration of the job lasts for one full year. (any takers?)
* Check out this link to see the new mini wienermobile! Very cute!
Posted by bgygi at 3:46 PM 1 comments
Labels: cayden, oscar mayer wienermobile
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Our friends Kim and Andy invited us over to go trick or treating with them as we only have four houses in our neighborhood. Also, Kim had the great idea of the dads taking out the four boys and she and I could stay home, pass out candy and drink wine. Count me in!!
Jacob the fireman; Joshua the policeman; Matthew as Pooh; and Booey the robot
Posted by bgygi at 9:37 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Little Jig..
or as his dad thought it should be titled, "Young, Fresh Cayden Shaking his Groove Thang!"
Sorry it is on it's side. I couldn't get it to rotate. :)
Posted by bgygi at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: cayden
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Ghoulishly Good Time.....
We had our annual Pumpkin Carving Party last nite; the first time it was held in our new house with LOTS more room!
A Creepcake
A plate full of Creepcakes
Implements of pumpkin torture
Hammish, our Transylvanian Terrier, waiting for the festivities to begin
Posted by bgygi at 10:33 AM 3 comments
Labels: pumpkin carving party
Friday, October 10, 2008
Apple Cider Donuts and the Aroma of Goat Cheese
Our playgroup took the kids to Lattin's Country Cider Mill yesterday afternoon to visit the animals, get some pumpkins and of course, eat some yummy donuts (my whole reason for going).
The black goat with the really long goatee on the far left was making all this noise at us the whole time we were there. Cayden has some feed in his hand and that goat was so bold he grabbed Cayden's sleeve and was pulling his arm closer to get at it.
The goats were so cute, especially the babies. Oh, but do they stink! Like goat cheese! I love goat cheese, but the aroma makes the thought a little unappetizing.
Posing in the pumpkin patch
Riding the carousel (all 6 kids!!!)
This is a little video of the pig at the farm running in circles with the kids.
That's odd, I never took any pictures of the donuts!! Sorry Erin! If you are coming up this weekend, we can go and get hot apple fritters!!!!!! NUMMY!
Posted by bgygi at 10:25 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hammish vs. The Vacuum
My sweet little protector Hammish. This video is a little silly and very grainy (sorry, I was really vacuuming at the time), but I just love how tough he is.....that is, until the vacuum comes on.
Posted by bgygi at 10:13 AM 3 comments
Labels: hammish
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Booey says "BOO!"
Cayden and I put together a Haunted Gingerbread House today. A time consuming process, but a very fun one!
As I said, it was time consuming, so the back of the house suffered a little :)
We're going to buy some coconut tomorrow and tint it purple to fill in the "yard" I'll post those when we're done.
Posted by bgygi at 6:45 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Keevo (not sure where Booey came up with that one)
Green Robot with Dots
The following robots were based on REAL robots. LOOK!
Blue Robby
Red Robby
Red Robot 2000
Blue Robot 2000
(He's missing an ear and his legs keep coming off. He's had a hard life!)
Stay tuned for pictures of our own life size robot. Look for them near Halloween!! To hold you until then, enjoy the following:
Looking for a good robot flick for the weekend? Check out "The Forbidden Planet". Lesley Nielson in a "serious" role as the future of our race rests on his shoulders!
Posted by bgygi at 10:11 AM 2 comments