Our playgroup took the kids to Lattin's Country Cider Mill yesterday afternoon to visit the animals, get some pumpkins and of course, eat some yummy donuts (my whole reason for going).
The black goat with the really long goatee on the far left was making all this noise at us the whole time we were there. Cayden has some feed in his hand and that goat was so bold he grabbed Cayden's sleeve and was pulling his arm closer to get at it.
The goats were so cute, especially the babies. Oh, but do they stink! Like goat cheese! I love goat cheese, but the aroma makes the thought a little unappetizing.
Posing in the pumpkin patch
Riding the carousel (all 6 kids!!!)
This is a little video of the pig at the farm running in circles with the kids.
That's odd, I never took any pictures of the donuts!! Sorry Erin! If you are coming up this weekend, we can go and get hot apple fritters!!!!!! NUMMY!
apple cider donuts!
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