Monday, September 28, 2009

Sometimes School is a Zoo!

Today was a really exciting day at school! One of the little boys in kindergarten has a Grandpa who runs a wild animal park. He brought a 4 month old baby giraffe and 2 young kangaroos for a visit.

It's hard to see in this picture, but his little horns are all furry!

This little guy is named Barney. He even wears a little diaper. I guess when they are born, kangaroos are the size of a bumblebee!!! Amazing!

They have really strong tails and that is how you pick them up.

What a neat experience for the kids (and me!!)


erinz said...

Next time the giraffe comes for a visit - let me know. I will take a personal day!

erinz said...

Please post the Pumpkin Pasta Recipe and the hazelnut butter recipe for the brussel sprouts!