Friday, August 29, 2008

"I'll be a puppy playing with airplanes"

So Cayden and I are playing a game. He is a puppy playing with airplanes and I am the mommy updating her blog. This would have been a good tidbit to put on my "7 Facts" post. I am a lazy player. I don't like to get on the floor and pretend or run around, etc. When my niece was little and always wanted to play "King and Queen", I was the Queen who sat on her throne and drank coffee (a very official title). So now it continues with my own child and he's perfectly happy with it.......for now anyway.
On another note, the landscapers arrived this morning with two truckloads of beautiful trees and plants!! Just before they arrived, look who was scoping out the joint.

We have a large family of deer that live in our neighborhood. The most we've seen at any one time is six. We haven't seen a lot of them lately either due to the heat (when we've had it) or the cougar that is on the loose in West Olympia. Yes, a cougar! Interesting that they picked today to make an appearance. Smart little buggers.

Yes, get your fill of those weeds kiddos. There's no salad bar available to you here!


Anonymous said...

Did I play Kings and Queens or was it Sammee?

erinz said...

Whoa!? Who are you all of a sudden? Blogging Mama!

bgygi said...

It was Sammee. You always played Beauty and the Beast with your mom and your mom always had to be the beast. :)

bgygi said...

I have lots of pictures to share. Don't make fun of me.....I may stop!!