Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Case of the Disappearing Bagel Sandwich


Case #: 2009-521

Suspect: Hammish Gygi (see photo below)

Age: 6

Weight: 31 lbs

Height: 15 inches

Accused of: Snatching a bagel, cream cheese and turkey sandwich from the kitchen table and scarfing the whole thing down!

The Evidence: Missing turkey bagel; lots of slobber on the floor under the table where said bagel was sitting; suspect had slicked back ears, wiggled a lot and wagged his tail furiously (he looked terribly guilty!)

The Mystery: How could a dog with 3 inch legs grab a turkey bagel from a 3 foot high table and eat it without being noticed by his parents who were in the room at the time of the crime?


erinz said...

He used his ESP!
ps - where are the bday party pics? Promises, promises.