Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Garden, May Day and Beware of the Blob!

I have had a couple of post ideas saved up....with pictures and all, but I never seem to find the time to post them. So, here is a medley of posts...

We are in the process of building a garden. We mostly wanted to grow vegetables and herbs. Of course they all have different watering needs, so we're rethinking how this is going to work. So our vegetable garden is quickly becoming a veggie and flower garden for high water needs and pots scattered around the rest of the yard for low water needs.

Proposed location with our garden mascot

Garden builders

That shovel Cayden was using was really heavy! We switched it out for a spade later.

Lunch break

At school yesterday (May 1st), Cayden's class decorated May Day baskets and were instructed on how to deliver said basket.

Beautiful basket with the beautiful artist!

I thought for sure that he would want to give his basket to Grammy and Papa, but when I asked him, he decided to give it to the kids next door. (It says: To: Grant and Rachel, Happy May Day! From: Cayden - my camera stinks, but it was free :)

Grant and Rachel are very busy kids and aren't home very often or for very long. We decided to leave it on their front door since we can't predict their schedule. Unfortunately, they don't use their front door very often and it is still hanging there!

When we had our landscaping done in the fall, they did a less than stellar job on our grass. So my wonderful and handy hubby has been working on making it pretty. He fertilized it last weekend and a few days later we saw these: (again, not a great camera....I apologize)

I tried to circle them, but my computer skills have been fast declining. Can you see those two clear blobs in the center of the picture? They look kind of like ice or chunks of glass. That is what I thought they were until I touched one. It was like jello!! YUK!

Here is another one. They were EVERYWHERE on the grass. We think it is the Blob. Which, by the way is a great movie and one of Steve McQueen's first. We highly recommend it. The theme is catchy too!


erinz said...

Way to go! I was laughing so hard!